Flag Definitions |
Code | Translation |
1JtDbDisp | Joint case, debtors w/separate dispostions |
3180wij2 | BNC,BNC1328i |
521(i)docs | Missing Documents under Section 521(i) |
521idocs | Missing Documents under Section 521(i) |
707(b) | Presumption of Abuse under 707(b) |
707b | Presumption of Abuse under 707(b) |
727OBJ | Objection to the Discharge of the Debtor |
AP | Adversary Case |
APLDIST | Appeal sent to District Court |
ASSET | Asset Case |
AUDIT-NOCLOSE | Section 586 Audit in Progress |
AWCLS | Awaiting Closing |
AddChg | Address Change |
AmendDue | Amendments Due |
AwCls | Awaiting Closing |
AwDsch | Awaiting Discharge |
BANCAP | Docket Entries on Bancap |
BAPCPA | Flag for cases filed before 10/17/2005 |
BARDEBTOR | Barred Debtor |
CLAIMS | Claims have been docketed to this case |
CLMAGT | Claims Agent |
CLOSED | Case Closed |
CONS | Consolidated Case |
CONVERTED | Case Converted |
CaseStricken | Case Stricken |
CorpStmt | Corporate Ownership Statement |
CounDue | Credit Counseling certification has not been filed |
CounDueJt | Credit Counseling certification has not been filed for Joint Debtor |
CredAdd | Add the new address for this creditor to the creditor list |
DEFER | Fee Deferred |
DISCHARGED | Case Discharged |
DISMISSED | Case Dismissed |
DSO | Domestic Support Order |
DeBN-Deactivated | Debtor Electronic Noticing Deactivated |
DeBN-Yes | Debtor Electronic Noticing |
DebtEd | Financial Course Completion document has not been filed |
DebtEdJt | Financial Course Completion document has not been filed for Joint Debtor |
Delay341 | Delay the 341 after auto assign ADI program |
DelayClose | Delay Closing |
DelayDsch | Delay Discharge |
DirApl | Direct Appeal has been filed in the Circuit Court |
DisChgVac | Discharge Vacate |
Dismiss | Dismiss |
DschDeny | Discharge Denied |
DschRevok | Discharge Revoked |
DschWaived | Discharge Waived |
DsclsDue | Disclosure Statement Due |
EXTSTAY | Extension of Stay has been filed. Hearing Required. |
FUNDS | Funds Deposited in Court Registry |
FederalExemption | Federal Exemption |
FeeDueINST | Installment Payment Due |
FeesDue | Fees Due |
Form121 | Form 121 |
FstMtgHeld | First Meeting Held |
IFP | in forma pauperis application granted |
IFPPending | Application for IFP Pending |
INTP | Interpleader |
INTRA | Intra-Distict Transfer |
IneligClose | Do not redisplay case ineligible for auto close |
IneligDisch | Ineligible for Automatic Discharge |
JNTADMN | Jointly Administered |
JURYDEMAND | Jury Demand |
LEAD | Lead Case |
LIMITEDTxfer | Limited transfer |
LimitedNotice | LimitedNotice |
M1519 | Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519 |
M1521/1507 | Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 |
MEANSTMPEX | Temporary exclusion from means test for reservists and national guard. |
MEANSU | Unknown |
MEMBER | Member Case |
Mis121 | Missing Cert of Svc for Form 121 |
Mis21 | Missing Cert of Svc for Form 21 |
MisDocs | Missing Documents |
MissMtrx | Missing Creditor Mailing Matrix |
MissingSig | Missing Signature |
MotDis/Con | Motion to Dismiss or Convert |
NODSCH1DBONLY | No Discharge - One Debtor Only |
NTCDEF | Notice of Deficiency |
NoAutoDisch | Do not allow Auto Discharge for this case |
NoDischarge | No Discharge for chapter 13 case |
NoTrXr | No Transfer |
OBJ1515 | Objection to Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 |
OBJ1519 | Objection to Provisional Relief Section 1519 |
OBJ1521/1507 | Objection to Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 |
OBJCERT | Objection to Certification |
OBJDISCH | Objection to Discharge |
ORD1515 | Order on Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 |
ORD1519 | Order on Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519 |
ORD1521/1507 | Order on Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 |
OpenAP | Open Adversary Proceding |
Ovrride | A creditor has filed an overide for this case only |
POA | Power of Attorney |
PROBONO | Probono |
PRVDISCH | Previously Discharged in your court |
PRVDISM | Previously Dismissed in your court |
PetPre | Petition Preparer |
PetPreDisc | Petition Preparer Disclosure |
PetPreUnDisc | Petition Preparer Undisclosed |
PlnAssume | Docket utility event for reporting CM06 transaction |
PlnDue | Plan Due |
PlnLien | Docket utility event for reporting CM07 transaction |
PlnValue | Docket utility event for reporting CM27 transaction |
ProSe | Pro Se |
ProSeESR | Opened from an eSR package |
ProSeREAF | Pro Se Reaffirmation Agreement |
REAF | Reaffirmation Agreement has been filed |
RECONVERTED | Reconverted |
REINSTATED | Reinstated Case |
REOPENED | Reopened Case |
REOPENEDFMC | Reopened Financial Management Course |
ReafHdShp | Presumption of undue hardship in this reaffirmation agreement |
Repeat | Serial filer or previously dismissed or discharged debtor. |
Repeat-OHNB | Repeat Filer |
RepeatPACER | prior BK filing identified by Pacer Case Locator |
SCOrder | Show Cause Order |
SPLITCASE | Joint Case Severed |
STAYED | Stayed |
SkipPriorRelCase | Skip AJT assignment because the case has a prior or related case |
SmBus | Chapter 11 case has been declared a small business concern. |
StateExemption | State Exemption |
Subchapter_V | Chapter 11, Subchapter V |
TRANSIN | Case Transferred into the District |
TRANSOUT | Case Transferred Out of District |
TaxReq | A party of interest has filed a motion for access to debtor's tax information |
TrNaRpt | Trustee's No Asset Report |
UNCONF | Unconfirmed Chapter 13 |
UndAdv | Under Advisement |
WTRSVREND | Withdrawal of Trustee Services Rendered |
WdRef | Withdraw Reference |
WithXMLData | A code to track cases opened with XML data |
eSR | Opened from an eSR package |